If you’re looking for the latest news and views on gaming, esports, tech, and geek culture, you’ve come to the right place. gameland.gg is the best source for the latest news and opinions on all that’s happening in the gaming world. But that’s not all! You’ll also find helpful guides for the newest and biggest games, heads up on the latest rumors and leaks about your favorite games and consoles, and understanding of the latest industry trends.
gameland.gg is committed to offering top-flight journalistic coverage of the gaming space, including stories both big and small. Whether it’s the day’s biggest gaming headline, or an intriguing story yet to make the rounds that we’re shedding light on, gaming and esports fans will find something to interest them here on our page.
We live and breathe gaming news and views
The best and latest gaming news is at the very core of gameland.gg. It’s our bread and butter. When news breaks in the gaming space, you’ll hear about it here first, and you’ll get all the details you need to be come away with your own informed view.
Whether it’s about PC gaming or the newest consoles, from PlayStation 5 to Xbox Series X to Nintendo Switch, it’s all here, covered just the way you need it to be. And we’re as thorough as you need us to be.
You can trust both the reporting and opinions of gameland.gg, because every member of our team and every writer on our staff is a lifelong gamer. We don’t just write about games, we play them, love them, and yes, sometimes we even obsess over them. Who can really blame us?
gameland.gg covers gaming, esports, Twitch streaming, and more
Our news coverage at gameland.gg isn’t limited to gaming news. We cover a variety of topics that are of interest to gamers. That includes esports, streaming culture on Twitch and elsewhere, and more.
Competitive gaming is at the exciting forefront of the gaming industry, and we’re all about it. gameland.gg covers a variety of esports titles, from League of Legends to Counter-Strike 2, from Valorant to Dota 2. It’s all here, with the sort of in-depth reporting and analysis that esports fans expect.
We also cover the biggest and most popular streamers on Twitch and other livestreaming platforms that showcase gaming. From the latest streamer drama to new milestones being surpassed every month by increasingly popular streamers, if you’re looking for the latest news about Twitch streamers and their massive followings, you’ll find it here too.
So take a moment to look around. Get comfortable, and get to know us. We think you’ll like what you see, and we look forward to providing you with great gaming news content for many years to come.
gameland.gg staff
gameland.gg is powered by a staff of knowledgeable writers who bring you the latest news and the sharpest views on all things gaming. Those writers are led by our editors, who ensure that each story we publish meets our high editorial standards.
Jared Wynne, Editor-in-Chief

With over two decades of experience under his belt in digital media and gaming coverage specifically, Jared Wynne steers the editorial direction at gameland.gg. His favorite games include Counter-Strike, Baldur’s Gate, and the original Doom. Jared has served in editorial leadership roles at WIN.gg and Dot Esports, and you can find Jared on X and on LinkedIn.
Steven Rondina, Associate Content Manager

Steven Rondina has a long history of both playing and covering games, and he makes use of that experience to help direct content for gameland.gg. He counts Pokemon, Persona, and Dark Souls as his favorite gaming franchises. Steven has previously carried bylines with Bleacher Report and The Washington Post. You can find Steven on X and on LinkedIn.
Gab Hernandez, Assistant Editor

Gab Hernandez is a lifelong gamer whose love for video games has long been expressed through his desire to write about and cover them. His favorite games by far are role-playing games that allow players to play a meaningful part in the story, including Disco Elysium and Divinity: Original Sin. If you want to know more about Gab’s favorite games, all you have to do is ask him. You can find Gab on X.
Fariha Bhatti, Gaming Writer

Fariha got her start in the world of gaming with classic SNK franchises such as The King of Fighters and Metal Slug. Cutting her teeth on such difficult games, it was only naturally that she would lean into competitive titles, with Valorant and Counter-Strike 2 being among her top games today. Also published at ONE Esports and WIN.gg, you can find Fariha on X.
Hannan Mundia, Gaming Writer

Hannan Mundia is a true lifelong gamer. Some of his earliest memories involve playing video games, no matter the genre. Whether it’s an FPS or an RPG, he’s interested. His favorite games are from Nintendo and Bethesda, particularly titles in The Legend of Zelda and The Elder Scrolls franchises. He has previously been published at Fandom Spot, and you can find Hanna on X.
Nicholas James, Gaming Writer

Nicholas James is a fan of all things gaming, ranging from video games to tabletop games. The game he’s been most involved with, and that has most influenced his professional career, is Riot Games’ famed MOBA League of Legends. Nicholas’ work has been featured at esports.gg and WIN.gg, and you can find Nicholas on X.
M Alzamora, Gaming Writer

M Alzamora loves games of all shapes and sizes, but her first love in gaming has always been Pokemon, and most specifically her favorite Pokemon, Eevee. M doesn’t stop there though, as she’s always on the lookout for the next great indie title. She has previously been published at Working Classicists, and M can be found on X.