
All the right answers for Nicole Trust Events & hangouts in ZZZ

Nicole in Zenless Zone Zero

The best way to raise the Trust Level with a character is to give them the correct answers during in-game Trust Events and hangouts, so get a head start with Nicole in ZZZ by finding out what she likes. 

Zenless Zone Zero might be a gacha game, but it borrows elements from other popular RPGs. The social mechanics are highly inspired by the Persona series, complete with a scheduled day. Players can also maintain relationships with other playable characters by hanging out with them. The activities range from simple conversations to full-on commissions, depending on the character.

Nicole is a potentially powerful, high-tier character. Picking the correct answers is critical as giving the wrong answer lowers the Trust Level with Nicole in ZZZ. So, if you aim to unlock all of Nicole’s trust rewards, you should know all the trust answers. 

How to start all Nicole hangouts in ZZZ, and the best answers

There are a few ways to increase Trust Levels. One is the Trust Events in the game, and the other is hangouts. Trust Upgrades don’t affect the Trust Levels, so those can be approached however the player desires. 

Nicole skills in ZZZ

Make a Fortune from Gacha answers

To get this Trust hangout, players need to message Nicole and choose to meet at the BoxGalaxy on Sixth Street. Then, play the crane game with her to get the dialog. 

  • Select the left Crane, which gives significant Trust. 

How to Get Good Luck answers

The Trust hangout happens if players select the Coff Cafe on Sixth Street to meet with Nicole.

  • Aren’t we here to have coffee?
  • Mr Panda?
  • You might be right
  • The Tin Master wouldn’t bless you with that. 

Vending Machines are a Gem answers

When the option becomes available, text Nicole to go on a walk on Sixth Street. Picking these answers will give a regular Trust level boost. 

  • I’ll kick it for you.
  • Let me try again.
Nicole Demara profile in ZZZ

All the correct answers for Nicole Trust Events in ZZZ

Alongside the hangouts, ZZZ players can raise their Trust Level with Nicole through Trust Events by choosing the right answers when talking with her.

Sixth Street Random Play answers

This Trust Event can be started after talking to Nicole as she stands outside Random Play. If she asks how the business is going, this is the right event. 

  • Business has been slow lately.
  • Aren’t you going through a rough patch, too?
  • Please teach me!

Sixth Street Convenience Store answers 

The event starts at the convenience store, approaching Nicole as she stands in a queue can start this event. 

  • Competitor for what?
  • It’s indeed fate.
  • Deal!

Sixth Street Random Play answers

The event triggers when players speak with her at the noodle shop near Random Play. As with every Trust Event, ZZZ players can score some Trust Level points by Giving Nicole the correct answers.

  • She hasn’t got any money. Give her a break.
  • Do you want anything else? My Treat.

Sixth Street Convenience Store 2 answers

The game’s most iconic character loves to frequent the convenience store on Sixth Street. Nicole can be found in the middle of a hangout with a client, but will still prioritize the ZZZ protagonist when she can. This time, she’s only looking for one answer.

  • Woah, the Cunning Hares are pretty good!

Sixth Street Arcade answers

The event can be triggered by interacting with two men talking in the convenience store’s parking lot. 

  • Yeah, it’s all just a bunch of lies. 

Nicole’s Ambition Trust event answers 

During this trust event, the answers don’t matter. Regardless of what choice is selected, Nicole as a promoter at Random Play in Zenless Zone Zero.

Nicole from Zenless Zone Zero

All Nicole Trust Level rewards in Zenless Zone Zero

After raising Nicole’s Trust Level with correct answers in Trust Events and hangouts, players are rewarded with materials and Dennies.

Players receive a reward for each time they raise their Trust Level with Nicole. Here are the rewards for each Trust Level increase:

  • Level 2 – Friendly – Polychrome x20, Advanced Ether Chip x3, Dennies x5,000.
  • Level 3 – Close – Polychrome x30, Full Firepower Affinity, Dennies x10,000.
  • Level 4 – Trusted – Polychrome x30, Nicole’s Dynamic Wallpaper, Dennies x15,000.

A special event unlocks with Nicole’s Affinity. If she is in the squad, the events can occur in specific areas of Hollow Zero and trigger Mindscapes for Nicole in the current round. This also unlocks a Nicole-themed dynamic wallpaper for the pause menu.

Written by Bilawal Bashir

Bilawal is a software engineer who loves video games, comic books, and anime. But he will never love pineapple on pizza. In over two decades of gaming, he has only broken two controllers. His work has also been featured by TheGamer and WhatIfGaming.

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