Ultimate Spellbook has returned to League of Legends, and it has some exciting brand-new changes.
Ultimate Spellbook is one of League of Legends’ many rotating game modes. In it, each player has one of the Summoner Spell’s replaced with another Champion’s Ultimate ability, bound to the first of the two Summoner Spell slots.
This is a fast-paced and goofy game mode that allows fans to try out combinations of champions and abilities they’d never even considered. Here’s everything that you need to know about Ultimate Spellbook.
What is Ultimate Spellbook in League of Legends?
Ultimate Spellbook is one of Riot Games’ rotating game modes’, like One For All, Hexakill, Swarm, Arena, or URF. And, after a long time away, it’s returned to League of Legends on patch 14.19 with several brand-new changes to how it works. Like every other rotating game mode, it will only be here for a few patches at most, before disappearing again.
Players will get to choose their first ultimate upon starting the game and have 30 seconds to click confirm on the ultimate they want. If no ultimate is confirmed, the currently hovered ultimate will be chosen instead.
At 8:00, and every 6 minutes thereafter, each player will be offered a new selection of ultimates. The “Ult-ernate Summoner Spell” can be used once it’s off cooldown, even if the player is not level 6 at the time.
Players who select jungle as their role with get the ability to automatically Smite Jungle and Epic monsters when an auto attack would damage them below the Smite threshold. This lets junglers take Flash and still be able to purchase jungle items and clear effectively.
There are several mechanics in Ultimate Spellbook to speed up the game.
- Players begin the game at Level 3 with 950 Gold
- Turret Plates fall at 9:00
- Rift Scuttler spawns at 3:00 and respawns every 90 seconds
- Voidgrubs spawn at 3:30 and respawn after 150 seconds
- Dragon spawns at 4:00 and respawns every 240 seconds
- Baron Nashor spawns at 10:00 and respawns every 180 seconds, Baron Nashor drops a Void Herald Eye on death
- Unsealed Spellbook is disabled
Every Ultimate in Ultimate Spellbook
This is a complete list of every single ultimate that you can be given as an option in Ultimate Spellbook. Some of them have increased Ability Haste, or modified effects and ratios, which will be noted in parentheses next to the ability.
- Aurora’s Between Worlds
- Ahri’s Spirit Rush (60% ratio)
- Akali’s Perfect Execution
- Amumu’s Curse of the Sad Mummy (60% ratio)
- Annie’s Summon: Tibbers
- Ashe’s Enchanted Crystal Arrow (20 AH)
- Azir’s Emperor’s Divide
- Bard’s Tempered Fate (45 AH)
- Blitzcrank’s Static Field (10 AH, 60% ratio)
- Caitlyn’s Ace in the Hole
- Cassiopeia’s Petrifying Gaze
- Cho’Gath’s Feast (0 AH, 60 / 100 / 120 health per stack, reduced chance of appearing)
- Diana’s Moonfall
- Dr. Mundo’s Maximum Dosage (20 AH)
- Ekko’s Chronobreak (20 AH)
- Evelynn’s Last Caress
- Ezreal’s Trueshot Barrage (90% ratio)
- Fiddlesticks’ Crowstorm
- Fizz’s Chum the Waters
- Gangplank’s Cannon Barrage
- Garen’s Demacian Justice
- Gnar’s GNAR!
- Gragas’ Explosive Cask
- Gwen’s Needlework (90% ratio)
- Hwei’s Spiraling Despair
- Janna’s Monsoon (15 AH)
- Jarvan IV’s Cataclysm
- Jhin’s Curtain Call (45 AH)
- Jinx’s Super Mega Death Rocket!
- Kai’Sa’s Killer Instinct
- Karthus’ Requiem
- Kayle’s Divine Judgment
- Kayn’s Umbral Trespass
- Kennen’s Slicing Maelstrom
- Kha’Zix’s Void Assault
- Kindred’s Lamb’s Respite
- Lee Sin’s Dragon’s Rage
- Leona’s Solar Flare
- Lissandra’s Frozen Tomb (0 AH, 50% ratio)
- Lucian’s The Culling
- Lulu’s Wild Growth
- Lux’s Final Spark (90% ratios)
- Malzahar’s Nether Grasp
- Maokai’s Nature’s Grasp
- Milio’s Breath of Life
- Miss Fortune’s Bullet Time
- Mordekaiser’s Realm of Death (15 AH)
- Morgana’s Soul Shackles
- Nami’s Tidal Wave
- Nasus’ Fury of the Sands (10 AH)
- Nautilus’ Depth Charge
- Neeko’s Pop Blossom
- Nilah’s Apotheosis
- Nocturne’s Paranoia
- Nunu’s Absolute Zero
- Orianna’s Command: Shockwave
- Ornn’s Call of the Forge
- Poppy’s Keeper’s Verdict (45 AH)
- Quinn’s Behind Enemy Lines
- Rakan’s The Quickness
- Rell’s Magnet Storm (15 AH)
- Renata Glasc’s Hostile Takeover
- Senna’s Dawning Shadow
- Seraphine’s Encore
- Shen’s Stand United
- Singed’s Insanity Potion
- Skarner’s Impale
- Smolder’s MMOOOMMMM!
- Soraka’s Wish
- Syndra’s Unleashed Power (90% ratio)
- Taliyah’s Weaver’s Wall
- Talon’s Shadow Assault
- Tristana’s Buster Shot
- Urgot’s Fear Beyond Death
- Varus’ Chain of Corruption
- Vel’Koz’s Life Form Disintegration Ray (90% ratio)
- Vex’s Shadow Surge
- Vi’s Assault and Battery
- Viktor’s Chaos Storm
- Xayah’s Featherstorm
- Xerath’s Rite of the Arcane
- Xin Zhao’s Crescent Guard
- Yone’s Fate Sealed
- Zoe’s Portal Jump (45 AH)
- Ziggs’ Mega Inferno Bomb
As keen-eyed readers will notice, the vast majority of these are large damage-oriented ultimates. For this reason, champions with some form of base mobility seem to be best, as they’re more easily able to get in range of their new ultimate, as well as avoiding others’.
Ultimate Spellbook Changes
- Ultimates that scale with AP, but not AD, scale with AD.
- 2.414% bonus AD per 1% AP
- Ultimates that scale with AD, but not AP, scale with AP
- 0.6% AP per 1% total AD/0.4 AP per 1% bonus AD
- Ultimates that scale with Health, but not AP or AD, scale with AD and AP
- 13.158125% bonus AD and 8.198125% AP per 1% bonus Health.
- Your Ult-ernate Summoner Spells also increase in level when you put ability ranks into your character’s actual Ultimate at levels 11 and 16. The first rank at Level 6 does not modify your Ult-ernate Summoner Spell.
Some spells will grant scaling adaptive force, armor, or magic resistance after their initial cooldown.
- Bard’s Tempered Fate
- Gwen’s Needlework
- Janna’s Monsoon
- Kai’Sa’s Killer Insinct
- Poppy’s Keeper’s Verdict
- Rell’s Magnet Storm
- Ryze’s Realm warp
- Taliyah’s Weaver’s Wall
- Xerath’s Rite of the Arcane
- Zoe’s Portal Jump
What champions are best in Ultimate Spellbook?
For players looking to min-max their power in Ultimate Spellbook, there are a few consistent aspects to champions that tend to powerful. Firstly is mobility, champions with mobility are more easily able to connect and use a variety of Ultimates. So, since players won’t see their Ult-ernate Summoner Spells until the game loads in, playing somebody who has the ability to use a variety of them well is a great idea. The other option is to pick champions with distinct weaknesses, since the right Ultimate can help nullify it entirely. Here are some of the best champions in Ultimate Spellbook.

It shouldn’t surprise many that Yone is one of the best champions in Ultimate Spellbook. He has incredible damage, the ability to gap close across immense distances, and a hugely powerful ultimate already. Yone loves all sorts of Ultimates, from CC disruption to let him get his damage off to AoE team-bursting abilities that push his already significant damage potential over the edge. Yone already feels overloaded on Summoner’s Rift, he’s even more powerful with another Ultimate in his pocket.

This may seem an odd choice, given how mobility is a great tool in Ultimate Spellbook. Olaf is a very binary champion in regular League of Legends; he either gets close and blows up his target or doesn’t and gets poked away.
Luckily, Ultimate Spellbook can provide the non-mobile Olaf the mobility that he lacks. Ultimates like Vex’s Shadow Surge allow Olaf to close the distance onto enemies, pop his ultimate, and run around Unstoppable causing mayhem.

Another hyper-mobile skirmisher, like Yone, Irelia has the speed to deliver almost any Ultimate she gets given and has the raw damage to take the opportunities she finds.
It’s hard to find a bad Ultimate for Irelia, as she already has every tool she could need as a top lane diver. Look for powerful CC that lets her lock down targets more easily, and increase burst damage to help finish off targets even faster.