
Full build guide for Deadlock’s Mirage with best items, ability order

Mirage is the latest hero to be added to Valve’s MOBA-shooter Deadlock, and we’re here to break down how best to build him.

Mirage is the latest addition to Deadlock. He’s a unique off-caster character who relies on well-timed abilities and creative expression to shine. Since Mirage is brand new, we’ll be going over his full kit to make sure prospective players. Mirage excels at winning extended chip fights and trades through some very unique abilities and is the undisputed king of individual map mobility thanks to his incredibly powerful ultimate ability.

Mirage is a man possessed by a djinn, a powerful spirit, who wants to buy a large swath of Wyoming. Yes, it’s about as odd as it sounds but that’s par for the course in the Cursed Apple.

How to play Mirage in Deadlock

Deadlock’s Mirage should be played in a slow-paced manner, chipping away at opponents before going for the kill with Djinn’s Mark.

Mirage’s low fire rate and limited damaging abilities mean he’s not a straight up duelist. He won’t be sprinting at his opponents like a Warden might, instead he’ll be looking to take a series of successful trades before closing the gap for a kill.

At base, Mirage’s gun is underwhelming for building up his main damage ability, Djinn’s Mark. As a result, he’ll need fire rate items to help him be able to build up the multiplier on Djinn’s Mark consistently and Spirit Power items to help empower it and his other abilities. Where Infernus likes long fights to do sustained damage, Mirage enjoys medium-length engagements where he can duck out and chunk his opponents with the fadeaway Djinn’s Mark damage.

Look to get a Fire Scarab on enemies, chip them to a high Djinn’s Mark multiplier, then activate the mark and back away to keep your trades possible. Once mid-game arrives, look for opportunities to help pick on enemies or save allies by using Traveler to arrive where the enemies least expect it.

Mirage abilities


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Mirage’s 1 is Tornado. Mirage transforms into a Tornado that moves forwards, damaging and lifting enemies into the air. When Mirage returns to his normal form, he gains Bullet Evasion.

This is Mirage’s key mobility and utility tool. It’s how he pushes forward in trades to punish enemies, and how he slips away to safety. It’s also his only piece of crowd control, so it must be used sparingly. Finding himself in a fight without Tornado is a fast way to die.

Fire Scarabs

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Infernus 2 is Fire Scarabs. Mirage gains charges of Fire Scarabs, each representing one Scarab. Mirage throws a Scarab at a target, stealing maximum health from enemies hit, and reducing their bullet resist.

Mirage cannot hit one unit with more than one Fire Scarab at once, and healing from heroes is far more effective than healing from non-hero units. This can be used to soften up enemy players for a kill.

Djinn’s Mark

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Mirage’s 3 is Djinn’s Mark and this is his main damage tool. Mirage’s bullets passively build up a multiplier displayed above the enemy’s head.

When Mirage activates Djinn’s Mark, or when its duration expires, the target takes a burst of damage, and is revealed on the map. When fully upgraded, the maximum multiplier is 12.


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Mirage’s 4 is Traveler. On selection, Mirage pulls up a large version of the mini map with every ally and visible enemy on it. Mirage can select any ally, or visible enemy, and teleport to where they were upon activating Traveler.

After teleporting, Mirage gains increased fire rate and movement speed.

This is a unique ability to Mirage. He can zip across the map in under a second, to chase down a fleeing enemy or assist an ally in need. Notably, Mirage can teleport just before he finishes picking up the Soul Urn and instantly deliver it to the Shrine on the other side of the map.

The best Mirage ability point order

Regardless of build, Mirage should get a level of Djinn’s Mark, then immediately max out the Fire Scarabs ability.

Fire Scarabs is impactful at every stage of the game, but is most impactful early on. After the opening stages of the game, getting Tornado lets Mirage become more aggressive. With all three abilities and maxed Fire Scarabs, Mirage is much more threatening in team fight settings.

Mirage’s best ability point order is as follows:

  1. Djinn’s Mark
  2. Fire Scarabs
  3. Fire Scarabs
  4. Fire Scarabs
  5. Tornado
  6. Tornado
  7. Djinn’s Mark
  8. Djinn’s Mark
  9. Traveler
  10. Tornado
  11. Traveler
  12. Traveler

The best Mirage item and upgrade build in Deadlock

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Mirage’s best early-game items:

Mirage’s first priority is to improve his lackluster gun with weapon items. This helps boost his trading potential and sets him up for a strong early game. Get weapon damage early and often, and work from there.

  1. High-Velocity Mag: Mirage’s Bullet Velocity leaves a lot to be desired out of the gate, so High-Velocity Mag will help him be more competitive at last-hitting and denying.
  2. Basic Magazine: This is one of the most universal Weapon items in the game, and it’s crazy efficient. Get this every game.
  3. Headshot Booster: Another wildly efficient 500 Soul Weapon item, Headshot Booster will pile on the damage in Mirage’s Djinn’s Mark trades. Just like the previous two purchases, this is the tax players are paying to make Mirage’s gun better.
  4. Sprint Boots: Just like every character in the game, Mirage will want Sprint Boots to get around faster.
  5. Mystic Burst: Since most of your damage comes off of Djinn’s Mark, an item that rewards you for a burst of Spirit Damage is exactly what Mirage wants.

Mirage’s mid-game items

In the mid-game, Mirage’s item build should include Swift Striker and Mystic Shot. From there there are some extra synergistic options. Depending on the team composition and enemy lineup, Mirage can opt for more weapon upgrades or improved movement speed.

  1. Swift Striker and Mystic Shot: Swift Striker is the best 1,250 Soul purchase to increase fire rate, and Mystic Shot aligns beautiful with Mirage’s in-and-out playstyle. Both of these are excellent weapon boosts and should be purchased nearly every game.
  2. Bullet Resist Shredder, Duration Extender, and Improved Cooldown: Bullet Resist Shredder stacks with the Bullet Resist shred on Fire Scarabs beautifully, and both Duration Extender and Improved Cooldown help make Fire Scarabs even more potent in the mid-game
  3. Enduring Speed: Anybody who likes Sprint Boots should like Enduring Speed. Simple as that.
  4. Bullet Lifesteal and Combat Barrier: Mirage doesn’t really hit his stride until the late midgame, so two defensive options that help keep up alive and kicking are great ways to bide your time.

Mirage core items

Burst Fire, Pristine Emblem, and Headhunter are central to a viable Mirage build. These are integral to Mirage’s ability to trade and secure kills with Djinn’s mark.

  1. Burst Fire, Pristine Emblem, Headhunter: Each one of these items is meant to help supercharge Mirage’s trade pattern. Burst Fire grants that all-important fire rate Mirage needs, while Pristine Emblem and Headhunter help to boost damage numbers significantly in most basic trades. Remember that Mirage is looking to chip healthy targets down before using Djinn’s Mark. Both Pristine Emblem and Headhunter achieve that beautifully.
  2. Titanic Magazine, Intensifying Magazine: These two are a classic combo for enabling characters who need Gun Damage to operate their kit, but often have lackluster guns out of the game. This combination drastically increases Mirage’s magazine size, and punishes enemies the longer they trade with him, doubling down on his identity.
  3. Superior Duration, Superior Cooldown: These are both to be used on Fire Scarabs. Since Djinn’s Mark has effectively no Cooldown, and extending the duration would actually be a negative, Mirage players should invest both of these into Fire Scarabs.
  4. Veil Walker: Mirage wants to get the jump on targets, ideally, and Veil Walker lets him find invisible flanks as well as slip away when his Tornado is on cooldown.

Mirage’s best late-game luxury items

Once players are deep into the game, or find themselves closing in on a win, they can look to some extra upgrades. Spiritual Overflow is the go-to, but there are some strong alternatives.

  1. Spiritual Overflow: Mirage wants to empty his magazine into enemies to do a burst of Spirit Damage, Spiritual Overflow is perfect for him, much like it is for Infernus. Build up Spirit Power after draining the enemy with Fire Scarabs and chunk them with Djinn’s Mark.
  2. Leech: Mirage is a hybrid Spirit/Gun damage character who likes long trades, so Leech is perfect to take advantage of both of those niches.
  3. Glass Cannon: Glass Cannon is especially useful after getting a major lead in the game. The item helps push Mirage’s already substantial late game damage over the top.

Written by Nicholas James X Twitter Logo

Nicholas James is an Honors Theatre Graduate from the University of Wales TSD, originally hailing from the Pacific Northwest region. His work has been featured by such outlets as TheGamer,,, and others. A repeated All-Pro media vote in League of Legends and an avid historian of the game, Nick spends much of his spare time pushing blue toy soldiers across a table. He can be found on Twitter / X at @NicholasISJ.

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