The official Xbox Brazil Twitter account may have leaked an upcoming release for Final Fantasy 7 Remake, and it could have implications for Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.
It’s Father’s Day in Brazil and Xbox celebrated it with a collage featuring several beloved father figures from across gaming history. Dead center in the image is a screenshot of Final Fantasy 7 Remake, featuring Marlene and her father, Barrett.
FF7 Remake was originally released as a PlayStation 4 exclusive in 2020, and launched enhanced ports on the PlayStation 5 and PC in 2021. As of today, these are the only platforms the game can be found on, leaving players on other consoles wondering if they’ll ever get a port. While the answer is still unclear, this post from Xbox Brazil’s Twitter feed raises suspicion about a possible port.

Is Final Fantasy 7 Remake coming to Xbox?
A post by the Brazilian Xbox Twitter account suggests that Final Fantasy 7 Remake could be coming to Xbox or Xbox Game Pass.
A screenshot of Barrett from Final Fantasy 7 Remake appeared in a tweet that was quickly deleted from the official Xbox Brazil Twitter page. This suggests that there may be upcoming news related to the game. Since it came from an official Xbox Twitter channel, some speculate this could presage an Xbox port, though it’s also possible that Remake could just be coming to the Game Pass service on PC.
There’s been no official information about the game being ported and no rumors have been circulating about an Xbox release. Given the post’s deletion, it’s clear that there was a misfire somewhere in the pipeline. It’s possible that more specific news will surface with time, or Barrett’s inclusion in the image could have just been an error by Xbox’s social media team.

When is Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth coming out?
Part 2 of the Final Fantasy 7 Remake, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, is tentatively set to come out in 2024.
There is no official release date yet, but Square Enix has announced a release window of 2024 for the game. Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is only confirmed for a PlayStation 5 release.
Final Fantasy 7 Remake was a timed PlayStation exclusive that launched on PC a year later. An Xbox release of Remake would give hope for Rebirth getting similar treatment. However, it was also revealed during the trials surrounding Microsoft’s acquisition of Activision Blizzard that Final Fantasy 16 is likely never going to come to Xbox.
Xbox players would most likely enjoy having access to FF7 Remake, a game that enjoyed strong reviews on both PlayStation consoles and PC. It also happens to rank as one of the best games to play on Steam Deck.
With the suspicious tweet from Xbox Brazil, fans have cause for guarded optimism that the sequel will come to Xbox. Of course, nothing is certain yet, so Xbox players shouldn’t get their hopes too high yet.