Reload may be getting a Solo mode, which has confused some Fortnite players.
In June, Reload was added as a standalone game mode in Fortnite. The 40-player battle royale added the ability to bring back downed teammates by getting eliminations, making the game more about aggressive and fast-paced gameplay than pure survival.
The game became so popular with Fortnite players that it surpassed the player count for the regular battle royale mode. On June 27, 440,000 players were in Reload while just 331,700 were in the OG battle royale. But what players loved about Reload was the ability to jump back into the gameplay so easily. So would a Solo mode be needed?

Is Solo mode coming to Fortnite Reload?
Data mines show that Fortnite Reload is set to add a solos mode.
Fortnite leaker iFireMonkey stated on X that Solos has arrived in the game’s files. The description is currently “Testing Mode Solo” which mean it may still be unfinished.
Upon hearing about the possibility of a Solo mode in Reload, many players wondered how that would work. Wouldn’t playing Solo without a teammate defeat the purpose of Reload?
Fans speculated that players would simply reboot back in after being eliminated, maybe after 10 seconds like the current game. An additional possibility could be a limited number of lives. Other players speculated that it’d be similar to Call of Duty, where players could survive for a set amount of time in order to earn a revive token. Another Call of Duty idea could be inspired from Rebirth, where returning players have to survive 20 seconds to stay in the game or else they are eliminated for real.
While getting the chance to come back into the fray is still appealing, the concept of Reload was that players were encouraged to stay alive while downing enemies to get teammates back. This aspect would be lost.
Still, some players are excited by the idea of surviving a chaotic battle instead of having to rely on teammates or feel the pressure of getting them back.
For now, Solos is still unconfirmed but the Reload files do seem to point at it coming. Only time will tell how Solos would work in Fortnite Reload.