Goku Black and Fused Zamasu are fan-favorite Dragon Ball characters, so fans will likely want to learn how to unlock them in Sparking Zero.
Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero quickly established itself as one of the most successful anime games in recent years. The game is the revival of the fan-favorite Budokai Tenkaichi series, which certainly helps. But it also adds to that established legacy with a huge character roster and excellent visuals.
Goku Black and Fused Zamasu are among the hardest characters to unlock in the game. While some players will likely get their hands on the two Godly beings fairly quickly, others must grind their way to a full roster. Here’s every method players can use to acquire Goku Black and Fused Zamasu.

How to unlock Goku Black and Fused Zamasu in Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero
Goku Black and Fused Zamasu are both unlockable by summoning Super Shenron or purchasing them from the shop.
Players can unlock Goku Black or Fused Zamasu instantly by summoning Super Shenron. Super Shenron is summoned by collecting the seven Super Dragon Balls, which players can do by completing certain missions.

These are the hardest balls of the three types of balls to come by, though players can do things like completing Goku’s Episode Battle to get the whole set automatically. Additionally, those with the Ultimate Edition get a free ticket to purchase Super Shenron without any grinding.
After collecting the seven Dragon Balls, summon Super Shenron and select the “I want more characters” option. Here, players can choose between acquiring either Goku Black or Fused Zamazu.
Choosing Goku Black unlocks his Super Saiyan Rosé transformation, too. While using the Super Dragon Balls once requires players to collect the set again, Bandai Namco made collecting the set relatively easy at the start. Thanks to this, it’s possible to unlock both characters early by collecting the Super Dragon Balls twice.

Players can also unlock Goku Black and Merged Zamasu is by buying them from the in-game store. However, this requires the player to reach level 20, which is a good amount of grinding. Additionally, Goku Black costs 75,000 while Fused Zamasu costs 120,000. While buying them is a viable option, wishing for them will likely be quicker for most players.