
These are the best Creations to add to your Skyrim experience

dovahkin skyrim

Those who are looking to get back in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim will have an easier way to access the game’s best mods thanks to Bethesda’s new Creations program.

Bethesda launched a unified program for Skyrim mods on December 5, 2023 to make it easier for players to discover and play fan-made mods, and for modders to earn money from their creations. The Bethesda Game Studios Creations combines existing free Skyrim mods and paid Creation Club items into a single “Creations” menu available to everyone in both the Special Edition and Anniversary Edition of Skyrim on all platforms except for Nintendo Switch. 

Skyrim: Anniversary Edition previously included 74 Creation Club items or paid mods that were internally made by Bethesda and approved external creators. Creations will take its place, and will bring a heaping helping of new mods with it.

The best Skyrim Creations mods available right now

Skyrim has a broad variety of mods ranging from new weapon models to complete reimaginings of the game.

Some of these mods are free to download and others need players to pay a certain amount of Creation Club credits to access. 750 credits cost $4.79. Some of the best mods cost a modest sum, but some are free to all. EULA terms in Starfield suggest something similar is in the works, with the game confirmed to be receiving greater official modding support in 2024.

eastern empire company skyrim

The Eastern Empire Company Expansion

Courtesy of verified creator kinggath_creations, The Eastern Empire Company Expansion effectively adds a new faction. Players are tasked with growing the company’s presence in Skyrim, and receive the necessary tools to achieve this goal.

Players need to clear out dungeons to lay the foundation for mining operations, and receive a share of the profit in return. As a freebie, the company helps players manage any items they find in dungeons by shipping them to the player’s house or selling it for them.

The mod features professionally voiced quests and is designed to work dynamically with the base game content as well as other creations and community mods. This Creation is one of the best for experienced Skyrim players who just want more things to do in a new save, and it’s a solid value at 700 Creation Club Credits.

arquebus skyrim


Forged by creator Shoeburglar, the Arquebus feels like a Doom weapon built into Skyrim. Purchasing this Creation will give players access to a portable, long-barreled flintlock named Arquebus that has tons of variations and craftable ammunition. The mod also adds a new dungeon designed for the weapon.

North of Cradlecrush Rock, players will find dwemer ruins where they can obtain the base version of Arquebus. It’s a difficult 30-minute journey filled with enemies, including new high-damage dwarven automaton types. But when the deed is done, players have access to a unique, powerful weapon. 

Arquebus can deal significant damage in addition to negating 50% of the target’s armor. The downside is that it’s loud and reloads slowly. Investing in the Archery skill tree can help players overcome this.

There are more than 10 different versions of the weapon craft with different characteristics. It’s a must-have for any fan and is available for 600 Creation Club credits on all platforms.

dwarven delves skyrim

Legendary Dungeons – Dwarven Delves

Dwarven Delves brings two dungeons from The Elder Scrolls Online to Skyrim, and stands as one of the best values when it comes to Creations. 

The first location, Stone Garden, invites players into a dwarven ruin where a rogue alchemist attempts to resurrect a deceased constituent to steal his secrets, only to resurrect something much more terrifying. The other location, Frost Vault, involves craftsmen on an excavation mission that goes awry for a surprising reason. 

The journey is not entirely about defeating enemies, as players will be able to learn new spells and craft new weapons taken from the two forbidden ruins. This Creation is available on all platforms for 400 Creation Club credits.

realm of lorkhan skyrim

Realm of Lorkhan – Custom Alternate Prologue

Prologues usually set the mood for an entire game, and this mod attempts to do something similar in Skyrim.

This mod replaces the game’s original cutscene and transports players to a new realm where they can choose new classes and take on new missions in the town of Lorkhan. From there, players can choose their starting area, with options including the College of Winterhold, Forests of Riften, and Woods of Falkreath.

The mod is only available on PC but it’s available for free. Realm of Lorkhan’s significance lies in how it gives players even more agency over their Skyrim experience.

desolate mourning skyrim

Desolate Mourning – A Horror Overhaul

This is arguably the best Creation for those who want a completely new Skyrim experience, but there’s one major drawback.

Desolate Mourning reimagines the world of Skyrim as a horror story. The mod adds creatures, scary animals, mummies, weapons, and systems like random night encounters. Even the main menu is transformed to reflect this. There is also a powerful creature lurking around thanks to the dragon priest Ahzidal, who made a deal with ancient dragons to hunt the Dovahkin upon their arrival.

All this makes for a transformative experience to Skyrim. The trouble is that this Creation is only available on Xbox consoles.

Written by Mohamed Hassan

Mohamed still treasures his time playing games on the original PlayStation, speedrunning through the Megaman X games and replaying acclaimed role-playing game Chrono Cross countless times. Since then, his love for JRPGs and platformers has only grown and is among the driving forces behind his passion for writing about video games. He has previously written for DualShockers and Same Old Gaming, and he can be found on Twitter / X at @Weltschmerz2887.

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