Losing against a cheater is one of the worst Valorant experiences but a feature called “Ranked Rollback,” is set to fix it and give back RR to victims.
Like any multiplayer game, Valorant isn’t immune to cheaters. Despite having fewer public complaints about cheating incidents than its rivals, the game still struggles with this issue. However, affected players take solace in Riot’s commitment to addressing cheating through stringent measures, including manual inspections, hardware bans, and other advanced anti-cheat features.
In a new dev blog on the game’s official website, Riot has revealed a game-changing feature that would significantly improve the ranked experience for Valorant players. Once implemented, this will protect the precious RR of legitimate players while removing any ill-gotten gains from boosters.
How does Ranked Rollback work in Valorant?
Ranked Rollback is an upcoming Valorant feature that will undo the RR lost to a cheater after they’ve been banned.
When a player reports a cheater, the game rarely ever shells out an instant ban. However, multiple reports or a single legitimate report can lead to an eventual ban from Riot. After Ranked Rollback, all those who played against the eventually banned cheater will get their lost RR back.
However, they’ll have to sit tight and wait for the ban hammer to drop to become eligible for a refund.

This will tame some anger among Valorant players who encounter cheaters. It’ll also encourage players to report suspicious behavior, which has been a top priority for Riot. As more cheaters get banned regularly, more players will get their ELO back, resulting in a fairer ranked ecosystem.
Besides this, the developer touched on the addition of an Input-Output Memory Management Unit (IOMMU), the same technology used in PlayStation and Xbox to prevent Direct Memory Access (DMA) cheats. These are highly malicious cheats that are plugged into the motherboard directly to access the memory of programs without going through the CPU. Currently, DMA cheats are tough to detect on Valorant PC.
While Riot works on advanced anti-cheating measures, players can breathe a sigh of relief. If they match against a cheater, their rank won’t take a hit anymore.
How to get RR back after losing to a hacker in Valorant
Valorant players will get their RR back after a hacker has been banned, without needing to take any action.
However, this requires a player to actually receive a ban. Even in cases of an obvious hacker, if that player isn’t banned, no refunds will be offered. All players can do to affect change is to actively report anyone they legitimately believe to be cheating.