The Olympus update for Hades 2 added a load of new content including some new materials to farm; most notably Adamant.
Though still in early access, Hades 2 is already packing on more gameplay content, story beats, and hours of fun than its predecessor. The sequel boasts not just one, but two separate routes with unique bosses and loot. Before the Hades 2 Olympus update, the surface route to Olympus would stop right after the bossfight with Eris.
Fortunately for fans, the climb to Olympus is finally unlocked. As expected, the new stage features gorgeous art and terrifyingly tough enemies. It also features a handy new material for crafting powerful new weapons and upgrades.
What does Adamant do in Hades 2?
Adamant is used to craft high-tier upgrades and craft the Black Coat, a Nocturnal Arms weapon.
Upon reaching the training grounds after the update, players may be surprised to see a new craftable weapon. The Black Coat is a fantastical new weapon that looks more like Armored Core than God of War. The Nocturnal Arm lets players float around the stage, attack enemies with melee attacks, and launch volleys of heat-seeking missiles at them.
Crafting the Black Coat requires 2 Adamant and 2 Cinder, but Hades 2 players will want to farm these resources for upgrade purposes as well.
Players can acquire Cinder by beating Hecate. Farming Cinder won’t be too difficult, and most players probably have some already. Adamant is required to increase the rank of the Black Coat. With Hades 2 still in early access, Adamant may get even more uses later down the line. For the moment, its primary purpose is to craft and upgrade the Black Coat weapon.
Where to farm Adamant in Hades 2
Players can farm Adamant on Mount Olympus in Hades 2 with the Crescent Pick.
Supergiant Games made it so players no longer have to equip specific items to farm for certain resources. That means players can still mine any minerals they find in a route even if they didn’t equip the Crescent Pick.
However, equipping the Crescent Pick increases the spawn rate of minerals like Bronze, Iron, and Adamant. That makes it so players are well-served by equipping it for any runs where they’d like to farm Adamant. With Adamant up in Olympus, equipping the Crescent Pick ensures players can still farm Adamant nodes on a single run. The last thing a player wants is to reach Olympus and not find a single Adamant ore because of bad RNG.