
How to start Pokemon Scarlet & Violet’s epilogue, catch Pecharunt

nemona and pecharunt pokemon scarlet violet

The Pokemon Scarlet and Violet epilogue DLC is now live and players have the ability to catch the mythical Pokemon Pecharunt, but players are likely pulling their hair out trying to start the questline.

Starting up the Hidden Treasure of Area Zero DLC in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet was easy, with players receiving a phone call from the school telling them where to go, that’s not the case with the final chapter of the game. When players boot up their game, there’s nothing that’s apparently new or different.

The good news is that starting the new content and catching Pecharunt isn’t a particularly difficult process. Here’s how to get started and what’s in store.

pokemon scarlet violet dlc npcs epilogue

How to start the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet epilogue chapter DLC

Players can start the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet epilogue chapter by going to the community center shop in Kitakami after getting the Mythical Pecha Berry mystery gift.

The mystery gift can be obtained at any point regardless of whether players have purchased the DLC, but can only be utilized after players have effectively finished all the existing story content across both the main game and The Indigo Disk. This includes unlocking the battle form of Koraidon or Miraidon in the Paldea region, catching Ogerpon in The Teal Mask, then catching Terapagos in The Indigo Disk. Players do not have to complete the Pokedex for these regions, which is nice considering how many unique evolutions there are for Pokemon like Malamar and Kieran’s signature Pokemon, Hydrapple.

After obtaining the mystery gift, head to the shop near the community center nurse station in Kitakami. On the stand in front of the woman working the register is a purple object. Interacting with the “dusty old decoration” will trigger a cutscene, which officially starts the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet epilogue questline to catch Pecharunt.

When does the Pecharunt mystery gift period end?

There is no end date for the mystery gift event that gives players the Mythical Pecha Berry that allows them to catch Pecharunt.

Though players were undoubtedly scared after seeing “mystery gift” in relation to a mythical Pokemon there’s no need to worry. Yet. The official announcement of the Mythical Pecha Berry mystery gift giveaway listed a start date and no end date. Other mystery gift and Tera Raid events have had exact dates and times when they ended.

This strongly suggests that the mystery gift will be available indefinitely, but players shouldn’t necessarily wait. The mystery gift could disappear suddenly and when that happens, it could be years before players have another opportunity to get themselves a Pecharunt.

The mystery gift that lets players get Pecharunt does not use a code. Instead, players simply need to open the X menu, open the Poke Portal, and then select “Get via Internet” in the mystery gift menu.

How to catch Pecharunt in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

Players can catch a Pecharunt in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet by progressing through the epilogue chapter and then defeating it in battle.

pecharunt vs ogerpon

The epilogue chapter doesn’t take particularly long and players are guided through each step using the in-game navigation tools. The story is both goofy and slightly disturbing, as major characters are effectively zombified by Pecharunt, forcing the player and Kieran to save the entire population of Kitakami.

Players will need to battle and defeat basically everyone before a final showdown with Pecharunt. Much like the Bloodmoon Ursaluna and Ogerpon battles, it has a Tera Raid-style HUD and catching system. Rather than having to bring it down to low health and hurling Poke Balls for as long as necessary, players can simply smash it with their most powerful Pokemon and then catch it with any ball they prefer with 100% success.

Written by Steven Rondina X Twitter Logo

Steven Rondina has been playing video games since he was a toddler and appreciates every genre out there. He has earned the platinum trophy in every Soulsborne game, is regularly Master Ball-ranked on the competitive Pokemon ladder, and has spent thousands of hours missing shots on Dust 2. His work has previously been featured by Bleacher Report and The Washington Post, and he was an Assistant Editor at You can follow him on Twitter / X at @srondina.

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