Shrike is a hunter in Supervive who deals massive damage, and this guide will help players optimize their skills and items.
In a game like Supervive where mobility is paramount, a hunter like Shrike can feel awkward to play. She has all the damage a player would want but lacks decent mobility. Because of this, she’s very vulnerable to moves that wouldn’t bother other hunters.
However, this doesn’t mean that Shrike can’t perform as a fantastic DPS in the game. Many players still pick Shrike despite some of her shortcomings. With the right skills and items, Shrike players can make the most out of the hunter’s “glass cannon” kit.
Shrike Character Guide
Shrike heavily relies on a player’s positioning skills, and they must have good map awareness.
Since opponent squads can easily catch Shrike off-position, the best way to prevent this is to not be in that position in the first place. Players who want to play Shrike should be aware of what is happening constantly. Shrike works better when paired with hunters like Oath and Celeste who could protect her and repel people away from her.
Shrike also deals more damage the farther she is from the enemy. Ideally, the Shrike team should soften up the opponent’s frontline. Once that’s done, Shrike and her team can dive and finish them off. A kill during the poking phase of the team fight is also a great bonus. This Supervive character guide for Shrike aims to help players with the item builds and skill builds to do just that.
The best items for Shrike
The offense item set is the optimal choice for Shrike. Taking the offensive items for Shrike means she won’t have any items that boost her health. That unfortunately makes her a squishy hunter. On the flip side, she becomes a glass cannon, as the items buff the damage skills of Shrike to maximum levels in Supervive.
For Shrike’s first upgrade, take Vampiric Blade. This gives her the survivability she needs. After that, take Quick Blade to give her a little boost to movement speed. For the second upgrade, go for Overdrive and Turbo Booster. Both of these are weapons that ensure she gets as much survivability as she needs.
There’s also an option to go for Swiftblade if the team does not have enough damage. For the boots, go with either Soul Drain or Meditation. However, Soul Drain is recommended in most situations. Only take Meditation if the team has a lot of players that need the mana regeneration it provides.
The best skills for Shrike
Shrike players should prioritize the Disengage and Dive Bomb skills in Supervive.
The first point of Shrike’s skill should go to either Dive Bomb or Disengage. Dive Bomb if there are no other teams nearby and Shrike’s team is focusing on clearing creeps. If other teams are nearby and the team is losing, it’s best to take Disengage and try to make a run for it in the early game. If not, Shrike can push the advantage by dropping devastating stuns with Dive Bomb.
Players can leave Shrike’s Scout Hawk at level one. The purpose of that ability is to check for places for enemy hunters. Even though it also provides anti-heal, it’s not something she casts during battle. As such, it’s best to use the ability points to pump up the other abilities rather than waste them here. Her ultimate is also great at finishing running opponents. Make sure to put points on it once Disengage and Dive Bomb are maxed out.