Data miners have revealed the kit and details of two new Deadlock heroes, Wrecker and Calico, giving players a preview of their abilities.
While Valve’s six-on-six shooter Deadlock is still in the invite-only stage, but data miners are working overtime to reveal upcoming heroes to fans before their release. The abilities of Astro and Mirage were revealed by data miners to fans earlier. Now they have two more heroes for players to get excited about.
Wrecker and Calico may be coming to Deadlock soon and they will bring their unique abilities to help players fight enemies. Here’s how their abilities work and how to best use them against opponents.

Wrecker’s abilities leaked
Wrecker’s abilities will see him play as a heavy hitter focused on stunning and teleporting.
IntelDeadlock has leaked the abilities of the upcoming Deadlock hero Wrecker on X. Here are all his abilities and how they work:
- Wrecking Ball
- Channel to create ball of scrap
- After ball is created, Wrecker carries it
- While carrying ball, move speed is reduced
- Throw ball to deal AOE damage and stun
- Consume
- Stuns target and deals damage over time
- Adds charges to Bio Blast
- Bio Blast
- Cone-shaped AOE attack that deals damage and slows enemies
- Astral Walk-
- Astral projects forward
- Wrecker can teleport to astral projection
- The deals damage and slows enemies based on the duration of their astral projection
It’s unclear if Wrecker is a fully imagined character, as it mixes together lich-like magic and Mad Max-style wasteland tech. This is seen with the character having a feminine body and masculine voice, while also recycling assets from Dota 2 hero Clockwerk. It’s possible this hero could look and feel very different from what’s seen here. Though Wrecker and Calico were unearthed around the same time, only one of them look like they’re ready to be patched into Deadlock.
How to play Wrecker in Deadlock
Wrecker’s kit revolves around stunning and punishing enemies with his high-damaging attacks.
The Wrecking Ball ability is one that Wrecker can use from a distance to either kill enemies or stun them and escape. Similarly, the Consume ability also stuns the target but also deals damage when the target is held. Having a teammate or two to punish the stunned enemy can quickly take them out.
The Bio Blast ability is good for damaging and slowing enemies. Lastly, Wrecker’s ultimate ability is Astral Walk which can be used to get out of a tricky spot while making sure the enemies there perish from the transport explosion.

Calico’s abilities leaked
Calico’s abilities showcase her as a stealthy assassin who uses agility to deal damage to enemies.
Reddit user Kw4gan leaked the abilities of the upcoming Deadlock hero Calico in a Reddit post. Her kit focuses on stealthy attacks and agility to quickly reach targets while minimizing risk. Here are all her abilities and how they work:
- Perched Predator
- Sends cat forward
- Cat latches on enemy unit
- Explodes automatically after latching onto enemy hero
- Can be manually detonated after latching on creep
- Siamese Strike
- Calico leaps forward to a target
- If the target is an enemy this ability deals damage and slows them
- If target is an ally, their cooldown and recharge times are reduced
- Deadly Decor
- Places statue that steals health from nearby enemies
- Calico must be nearby for statue to be active
- Queen of Shadows
- Calico becomes invisible
Unlike Wrecker, Calico looks like a fully realized Deadlock character, both in terms of her abilities and aesthetics. Because of that, players can expect something similar to this to hit live servers.
How to play Calico in Deadlock
Calico’s abilities are best used when she strikes enemies from far away or uses her ultimate ability to land surprise attacks.
Perched Predator can be used when Calico has low health or there are too many enemies for her to handle. The Siamese Strike ability can be useful if the enemies are unaware and Calico can leap on them while they are unsuspecting.
Deadly Decor can be utilized when the player’s health is low and Calico is close to statues to steal some much-needed health. Queen of Shadows is her most powerful ability and with invisibility Calico can easily kill enemies or plan a strategic escape.