Anton is an A-Rank character in ZZZ, so giving him the best answers during Trust Events and hangouts is critical if players want to lean on him as a serious damage dealer.
Anton Ivanov of Belobog Heavy Industries might not be the best DPS in the game, but his well-rounded kit can be helpful throughout the game. His colleague Grace Howard is an S-Rank electric character who easily overshadows him with her anomaly style. Despite being outclassed by other electric characters, Anton has a distinct fighting style that can become a favorite for many.
Zenless Zone Zero might be an action-focused gacha game, but it has plenty of elements from other genres. Players are free to explore towns and locations between missions in peace. During these explorations, they can find playable characters hanging around towns. So, to become a character’s friend, players engage in activities and conversations, further solidifying the relationship. However, knowing the correct answers for Anton’s Trust Events and hangouts in ZZZ is critical in gaining his trust.
Every Anton hangout and Trust Event
How to start all Anton hangouts in ZZZ and the best answers

Zenless Zone Zero has two primary ways of increasing the Trust Level with characters. Players need to trigger Trust hangouts and Events to increase Anton’s Trust level. Trust Upgrades don’t increase Trust level, so they can be handled however a player wants.
The Ultimate Grand Prize hangout answers
Message Anton and choose Howl’s newsstand on Sixth Street to meet him. Here are the correct Anton Trust hangout answers for The Ultimate Grand Prize in ZZZ.
- What happened to you, bro?
- That’s because your bro is roaring right now.
- Okay, fine, whatever, I’ll buy it for you.
The first answer gives a regular Trust increase, and players gain a Significant Trust increase after the event ends.
Full Metaltone hangout answers
To trigger this Trust hangout with Anton, ask him to hang out at the Bardic Needle on Sixth Street. Here are all the correct Anton Trust answers for this hangout.
- Such a stunning timbre.
- I’m more into your story.
The first answer gives a regular Trust increase. Finishing the hangout will result in a Significant trust increase with Anton.
Love to See You Smile hangout answers
Meet Anton at the 141 convenience store on Sixth Street to trigger this hangout. Give the answer below to earn a regular Anton Trust increase in the Love to See You Smile hangout.
- Give her a model made out of chocolate.
Players also get a Significant Trust increase if they pick the correct answer and finish the hangout.
Remember to Warm Up Before Training hangout answers
Anton takes you to Brant Street Construction Site for a workout if the player is unsure where to hang out with him while talking on the phone. The correct answer gives a regular Trust level increase.
- Too easy.
The trust hangout increases the Trust level significantly when players pick this answer.

All the correct answers for Anton Trust Events in ZZZ
As with hangouts, giving the right answers in Anton’s Trust Events, he will start trusting the player and give rewards as the level increases.
Construction Site Trust Event answers
The Trust Event can be started if players spot Anton standing next to the toilets and orange-colored truck at the Brant Street Construction Site. Anton will have the three gray interactive dots indicating he has something to say.
- Are you okay?
- You care about them.
Players gain a regular Trust increase once the conversation finishes.
Lunch Van Trust Event answers
Anton stands next to the lunch van at the Brant Street Construction Site with three gray dots on his head. Interact with him to start this Trust Event. The final answer nets a regular Trust level increase.
- What did you play in the band?
- Bro’s death growl must have been intense!
Metro Station Trust Events answers
If this Trust Event is available, Anton will be standing next to the Lumina Square metro station with three gray dots over his head, waiting for a hangout. Talk to him to initiate the Trust Event conversion.
- Is your body okay, Anton?
- Inform Anton of a special massage parlor that can aid him.
If the player picks the correct answers, they’ll gain a Significant Trust increase with Anton.
Convenience store Trust Event answers
Spot Anton standing outside the convenience store near the metro station in Lumina Square to initiate the Trust Event. The event will give a regular trust increase if players pick the following answers:
- It must make things pretty tough for people with decision paralysis, right?
- Eridu Classic!
Direction of Destiny Trust Event answers
The Trust Event gets added to the schedule automatically. Once added, Anton stands opposite Enzo’s workshop on Sixth Street. Here are all the correct Anton Trust Event answers that yield a regular Trust level increase.
- You bet it’s me!
- That’s enough to make a Proxy blush…
Coff Cafe Trust Event answers
Speak to Anton when he stands outside the Coff Cafe on Sixth Street to start the event. Giving the right answer will give a regular Trust increase.
- To wake up and stay sharp!
Sixth Street Convenience Store Trust Event answers
To start this Trust Event, talk to Anton while he stands in the parking lot next to the convenience store on Sixth Street. Giving the first answer will result in a regular Trust level increase.
- That’s just his way of thanking you.
- Perhaps we’ll see that student there.
Anton Blazing Bonds Trust Event
The Blazing Bonds Trust Event is a commission that unlocks when Anton texts about wanting to see a family movie. After the invite, players must wait until Anton comes to Random Play. Players need to be at a higher Random Play level to unlock the movie before it can be viewed.
It doesn’t matter what answers the player gives; it’s just a way of unlocking Anton as a Random Play promoter. Players can reaccess the event from the Workbench in Random Play and play through it, potentially making different choices. The same can be done with Ellen and Billy Trust Events, two of the game’s best characters.
All Anton Trust Level rewards in Zenless Zone Zero
Raising Anton’s Trust Level in ZZZ to the maximum earns resources, dynamic wallpaper for the pause menu, and Anton as a promoter at Random Play.
Anton’s Trust Level gradually increases as the player attempts Trust Events and hangouts. While less strong than other characters in the game, Anton’s unique fighting style and look are enough to keep him on the team.
Every time the Trust level increases, players receive something as a reward.
- Level 2 – Friendly – Polychrome x20, Advanced Shock Chip x3, Dennies x5,000.
- Level 3 – Close – Polychrome x30, Muscle Mayhem Affinity, Dennies x10,000.
- Level 4 – Trusted – Polychrome x30, Anton’s Dynamic Wallpaper, Dennies x15,000.
Reaching Level 4 affinity unlocks Anton’s special event that can happen in particular areas of Hollow Zero. Players must have him in the squad for Anton’s Mindscapes to occur in the current round. Anton also becomes available as a dynamic wallpaper for the pause screen.