
Is The Evil Within 3 coming? Shinji Mikami may have an answer

the evil within 3 confirmed

The Evil Within 3 is allegedly in development, according to a social media post seemingly made by founder Shinji Mikami. 

The Evil Within franchise hasn’t had a new game since 2017’s The Evil Within 2. Since then, the survival horror genre had a renaissance in the gaming sphere. Horror franchises including Resident Evil, Alan Wake, and Dead Space were in the hunt for Game of the Year honors in both 2022 and 2023 found plenty of success lately. Even Konami is getting into the hunt with the revival of the Silent Hill franchise.

With Microsoft beefing up its exclusives, Tango Gameworks may provide Xbox with a homegrown survival horror game franchise. The Xbox-Tango partnership found a major bit of success with Hi-Fi Rush, which many pegged as the best game on Xbox consoles in 2023 even if ports to other platforms were discussed. The Evil Within 3 may be the studio’s next outing.

Is The Evil Within 3 confirmed?

Shinji Mikami allegedly teased the development of The Evil Within 3 on Facebook. That said, it’s not an open-and-shut case.

Mikami left Tango Gameworks in February 2023. He made a brief post on Facebook saying “Psycho Break, maybe we’ll be back.” Psycho Break is The Evil Within‘s title in Japan.

It’s unknown what, specifically, this means. It’s unclear whether Tango Gameworks is working on the game without him, if he has a new endeavor that can get access to the IP, or if he’s going to work in a freelance or advisory role on the game. It’s also possible that a new game is only being considered, but isn’t yet committed to. The Evil Within 2 and Hi-Fi Rush notably had John Johanas as director while Mikami served as executive producer. 

There’s also the caveat that Mikami’s Facebook page is locked. It is unconfirmed whether the screenshots of the post that have been circulating are truly from him and not from a fake account. There are official teases that the game is in the works, however.

The Evil Within 3 was teased in Hi-Fi Rush

Tango Gameworks teased The Evil Within 3 in its latest title, Hi-Fi Rush.

Hi Fi Rush 1

In a random elevator screen, players can spot a news blurb announcing a “sequel to a popular survival horror game franchise.” The Evil Within happens to be the only survival horror franchise Tango Gameworks has. 

Tango Gameworks may have been gauging interest for The Evil Within franchise in October 2023. The studio offered both games in the franchise as free titles on the Epic Games Store. Both The Evil Within and its sequel received generally positive reviews.

Tango Gameworks was notably absent from the January Xbox Developer Direct. That likely means any projects are too early in development for a proper showcase. Whether the choices are Hi-Fi Rush 2 or The Evil Within 3 however, Tango Gameworks fans won’t be disappointed.

Written by Gab Hernandez X Twitter Logo

Gab Hernandez has a particular love for video games that give players control over the narrative direction, such as Divinity: Original Sin 2 and Disco Elysium. Gab spends just as much time playing games as they do gushing about them online to anyone who will listen. Their work has also been seen on TheGamer, Gfinity, and Wargamer, and you can follow them on Twitter / X at @HardlyWorkinGab.

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