
Netflix reveals Splinter Cell Deathwatch, what’s the release date?

Splinter Cell Deathwatch on Netflix

Sam Fisher returns in Netflix’s Splinter Cell: Deathwatch, a new animated series starring the grizzled veteran spy, and its release date is coming soon.

When it comes to stealth games, two names will immediately pop up in people’s minds. However, Solid Snake’s journey through the Metal Gear Solid franchise ended many years ago. However, one perpetually cranky spy has yet to officially retire. Although Sam Fisher hasn’t had a mainline game since 2013, he’s crossed over with other Tom Clancy-branded games, including Rainbow Six Siege and Ghost Recon.

In those later games, his age has started to show. One famous scene has him joking that they don’t make spies like him anymore and reminiscing about a fellow spy who “wore a bandana,” which is heavily implied to be Solid Snake. Upon being informed he retired, Fisher says, “It’s only me,” tugging at the heartstrings of older stealth game fans. Thankfully, Fisher still has one more mission for the new Netflix series.

When is the release date of Splinter Cell: Deathwatch on Netflix?

Splinter Cell: Deathwatch was listed as “coming soon on Netflix” as of its September 19, 2024 reveal trailer.

Few details have emerged about Netflix’s adaptation of the Splinter Cell franchise. However, what information fans did learn excited them about its potential. The show will be written by Derek Kolstad, best known for his work on the John Wick franchise. As for the voice, Liev Schrieber will be voicing Sam Fisher for the series, as Michael Ironside retired from the role in 2013.

The animation studios Sun Creature and FOST Studio will also lend their talents to the series. Sun Creature has worked on animated specials and trailers for a number of notable video games including Apex Legends and League of Legends. The teaser showcases an older Sam Fisher, with references to Chaos Theory and Double Agent.

Fans were especially excited about Douglas Shetland’s grave, and the reveal of a son. Some fans hope that the series will be a proper swan song for the character of Sam Fisher, just like how Metal Gear Solid 4 sent off Solid Snake to retirement.

Some fans also theorize the upcoming Splinter Cell remake will coincide with the Netflix series release. The game was officially confirmed some time ago, but Ubisoft has said little about the game since then.

Regardless, Splinter Cell fans are just excited for anything new done with the franchise after over a decade of silence. 

Written by Gab Hernandez X Twitter Logo

Gab Hernandez has a particular love for video games that give players control over the narrative direction, such as Divinity: Original Sin 2 and Disco Elysium. Gab spends just as much time playing games as they do gushing about them online to anyone who will listen. Their work has also been seen on TheGamer, Gfinity, and Wargamer, and you can follow them on Twitter / X at @HardlyWorkinGab.

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